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发布时间: 2024-05-12 03:33:49北京青年报社官方账号

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"Ethiopians are very friendly people. We put ourselves in the shoes of Ethiopians. We understand them, and we do everything for their benefit," says Wen. "It's ultimately a win-win situation. If it is not, it can never last long."

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"Especially during holiday and festive periods, we performed even better," Andreetta said. He added that even though the international situation might affect certain industries like import-export, the outlook for regional tourism in China is optimistic as demand for holidays as a means of escape and to explore new experiences was constantly increasing.

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"Data shows that over 10 million impoverished households have managed to shake off poverty thanks to assistance offered in the healthcare sector," Wang said during a forum that was held ahead of National Poverty Relief Day on Saturday.


"Even if the price gap between China's northern and southern gas markets was wide enough to make the transport of regasified LNG from the southern terminals to the north economical, pipeline infrastructure connecting both ends is not sufficient to accommodate the current seasonal demand surge," Abreu said.


"Every government needs an emergency law to deal with public danger and crises. If the verdict stands, the government will be left without any emergency powers to react quickly to emergencies and public danger.


